Typewriter …

Cigarettes …


One of my all-time favorite books by one of my all-time favorite authors.

Nice post.

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Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate that! ❤️

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me when i just finished the white album this summer after starting it at the beginning of LAST summer…wish i could say it’s because i was intentionally taking my time but really i’m just scatterbrained. still loved it, and im excited to hear the rest of ur thoughts!!

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oh my god i get you so much! i love that it was our summer book (intentionally or unintentionally lol) And i’m so excited to talk a bit more about this one. There are so many things i want to say about that i had to break this post in three parts. Feeling like this: 🤓☝🏻

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Now I’m super intrigued, and I need to read this book! I have a slight obsession with the '60s, so I think I’ll love this. Great piece; thanks again, Amanda!!!

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omg Lisa!! You totally need to read this one, it’s all about the 60s! I think you’ll love it!!! ✨🥹🫶🏻

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I will!!

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I know I read this before, but I had to read it again. She is on my list of people to read. Well, on my kindle. I might just have to get the book too. This is what I have been looking for. Not to fit in with the female crowd and think I know, I truly want to know. Thank you for writing about her. Thank you for going into detail. There is a reason I found your work. I don't know why yet, but I'll figure it out. Just know, in all your work, you have done your job well and touch my mind and thoughts. Bless you. ❤️

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Mark! Excited for you to read parts 2 and 3!!! This was a lot of fun, but also a lot of hard work! Glad to see someone appreciates it! Onto the next book we go!

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amanda this is incredibly thorough and so so brilliant i am in AWE

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ELLE!!! STOP IT!! You’ll make me cry for real. 🥹✨💌✨ I love you!!!! 🥹

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me rolling my eyes hard at your ex bf 🙄🙄 aside from that, I am definitely putting this book on my list to read

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LIV!! hi beautiful!! ✨✨

🙄🙄 us rolling our eyes together lol! and you definitely should!! it’s one of my favorite books! You’ll love it! 🩷

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how perfect i just got a copy of this exactly yesterday for an early bday gift from my husband 🥹🫶🏼

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Oh my God!!!! I’d be more than happy to have you both here with us at the book club! This was a perfect coincidence.

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i will most definitely be here! absolutely perfect coincidence ❧

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YAY!! See you both this Sunday!! 🥹🫶🏻

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WE will! he said he’s so shocked and happy about the timing of things :)

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!!! She's joining the ranks of Elite Substack Book Clubs, we love to see it <3

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!!!!!! Grabbing ur hands, squealing, jumping up & down, etc. 💚💫

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YES. OH MY GOD. 🥹✨🩷💌✨

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who is this ex bf?

I just want to talk *cracks knuckles*

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LOL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! he’s hopefully getting his ass kicked somewhere!!! 🤭

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